Above: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House, 1951. Photo: flickr/Christopher Malheiros
As we here on the East Coast enjoy what is one of the mildest autumns on record – with yet one flake to fall – one can be forgiven a slight pining for a bit of holiday snow nearly halfway into December. So, with that in mind, I set out to put together a gallery of Mid Century Modern architecture in winter and to my surprise that was not an easy thing to do. A great deal of American Modernist architecture is located in the warmer climes of places like California so there are not a lot photos of snow-capped Eichlers and Alexander homes to be found. Even in places where there are actual seasons it would appear that most folks prefer to photograph their MCM homes when the garden is in full bloom. This seems to have given rise to the CGI render where classic architecture is rendered digitally into – sometimes fanciful – winter settings. Here are a few MCM spots enjoying a cool winter – most real and some imagined!

Winter at the Glass House, architect Philip Johnson, New Canaan, Connecticut, 1949. Photo by Michael Hall.
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Thank you for reminding us how beautiful winter can be in the right setting.