The latest installment of MCM Digest, a few things that caught my eye this week in the MCM Facebook Group! Enjoy and tell me what you think in the comment section below! Links to the original post on Facebook have been included in the caption of each photo if you would like to add a comment there. Thanks to group members who made some great suggestions for this week’s list!
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Danna Georgia Colman posted photos of her home in the MCM group this past week and what a marvelous space it is. The soaring, open beam ceiling, the wash of light, the furnishings and accessories, and even an adorable dog makes this space absolutely inviting and livable. I use the word ‘livable’ a lot when describing rooms and spaces I like. I suppose any space in which someone lives is, in fact, livable. But I used to word as a descriptor for those rooms that accomplish being both well designed and easy, comfortable spaces to live with. It is not hard to follow design ‘guidelines’ to create a space that looks like a magazine spread. Often this approach results in sterile rooms lacking character. Danna’s home, while utilizing a neutral palette and mixing classic with newer pieces, is a home that is both welcoming and tasteful. Thanks you for sharing Danna! Click here for the original post.

There is so much to like here! Benjamin Joseph Novida posted photos of his home and it is indeed quite lovely. Designed by architect Cliff May in the 1950’s the home demonstrates May’s mastery of open plan living. So many of these homes, even those designed by a noted architect, get renovated beyond recognition – walls go up where none were meant to be and walls come down where they should remain. However, this is not the case with Benjamin’s home. It is completely original and an ideal showcase for his marvelous collection. The biggest accomplishment here is that, while this is a MCM home with classic furnishings, it doesn’t feel like a ‘museum set’ which sometimes is the case with collectors. This home feels remarkably contemporary and comfortable. Thank you for sharing with the group Benjamin. Click here for the original post.

Dawn Hays posted this photo of a recently acquired Eames lounge with a charming story of how she won over her husband – who feels she has enough chairs – simply by asking him to sit in it. It has been said that in a relationship arguments are not won or lost but are simply ended. However, I think it’s fair to say Dawn (with a little help from Charles and Ray) won the argument as to whether she should keep the chair. As someone who owns ‘too many’ chairs myself I will often see a great chair around town and wonder how I could re-arrange my (filled) home to accommodate it, so I related to this post. It’s a great chair Dawn and that dining room arrangement has some great pieces and some great colors! Thanks for sharing the story with us Dawn. Click here for original post.

Wow. Anyone who has been in the group for any amount of time probably knows that this is pretty much my idea of nirvana. Claes Schalling posted photos of his home and I love absolutely everything about this space right down to the herringbone flooring. The floor lamp by Professor D. Moor for BAG Bronzenwaren Fabrik in Switzerland (a fact I learned from this post), the Nagel candle holders used brilliantly as floor sculpture, the two striking Ib Kofod-Larsen ‘Elizabeth’ chairs placed within easy reach of a shelf full of books, all watched over by a perfectly chosen Nixon painting makes this a sublimely beautiful space. This photo represents why I love design. Thank you for sharing Claes! Click here to see the original post.

Chan Geltemeyer posted this mailbox and stand he made himself to compliment his Mid Century home and it is a wonderful piece replete with Neutra font numbers. It seems a bit of an odd oversight that folks will spend countless weeks and months restoring and renovating a MCM gem but will put a standard mailbox, straight off a Home Depot shelf, out front. There are some specialty companies around that do make MCM-style mail boxes but these often lean more toward the kitsch side of things. Chan, noting the absence of a simple, more elegant MCM mailbox took matters into his own hands and fabricated one himself, and anyone with that kind of initiative deserves a tip of the hat. I rarely say this about things people make themselves but you could sell these Chan. Thanks for sharing with the group! Click here for the original post.

There are purists who may scoff at the ‘mid century inspired’ items. Sometimes I find myself wondering what aspect exactly of such a post is supposed to be the ‘mid century’ part. However, when Heather Banks posted this playhouse she built for her children I was more than just impressed, I wanted it for myself! I have said it often that children understand more than we give them credit for. I’m sometimes chided for believing that children understand good design but I genuinely feel they do. What child would look at this wonderful playhouse and not appreciate the design of it? And if it instills even just a small appreciation for design then there might be less tearing down of it when they are running things. Seriously nice work Heather, there should be more of this and less video games! Thank you for sharing. Click here to see the original post.

What a great image. Justin Scarbrough posted this photo of his home with his minature Dachshund (Mr. Vonpoppins?) resting comfortably in his ‘Womb’ chair designed by Eero Saarinen for Knoll in 1946. We spend a great deal of time collecting the pieces we love but shouldn’t they also be used and enjoyed. I know folks who collect and they are loathe to use their things for fear of damaging it. I also know collectors who would never let their pets on the furniture but very pleased to see that Justin has no such reservations. It makes me happy to see a beloved pet on a classic piece of design because, firstly, they know a comfortable seat, and secondly, you’re in the home of someone who not only appreciates good design, but is also relaxed about and easy going about it! Thank you for sharing with the group Justin. Click here for original post.

Another post of a pooch on a perch, this time a ‘Z chair’ designed by Poul Jensen for Selig in the 1950’s. Chris Campbell posted this great photo of a dog he is fostering and there really isn’t much more I can say about it. I think it’s very kind when folks foster animals in caring environments rather than housing them in a shelter or kennel. I also think this little guy is very lucky and he seems to know good design because, as mentioned in the post, he went straight for the Jensen upon arriving! Again a great image I enjoyed that also helps get the animal fostering message out there. Thank you for sharing Chris. Click here to see the original post.

Dramatic would be a word that would aptly define Amy Brittain’s dining room – and I love it! Everything about this space is a reflection of the people who live here and a reflection of a shared history. There clearly is no collector’s ‘mandate’ here, only the desire to surround themselves with the things they enjoy. The variety of items of different styles and eras – particularly the Alexander Begge-designed Casalino chairs (used wonderfully here as dining chairs) makes this space fun and interesting. Even the wall treatment was hand painted by Amy and her husband and provides a perfect backdrop for a fantastic space. Thank you for sharing Amy! Click here to see the original post.

What a fantastic tableau! Qi Wang posted this wonderful photo of a tea ceremony on a ‘Petal’ table designed by Richard Schultz for Knoll in 1960, which has been paired with the much more contemporary ‘Chair One’ by Konstantin Grcic designed in 2004. Everything in this photo works for me – items from different periods of design, the cross-cultural aspect, and especially the wonderful accouterments of the tea service itself. We should never be ‘purist’ in our design choices. Putting a non-MCM piece with a classic MCM design does not cancel each item out, in fact, so often it’s the opposite effect. Two items from two different periods paired with each other often serves to better showcase the qualities of each design, as Qi has shown beautifully here. Thank you for sharing with the group Qi! Click here for the original post.
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Thank you for your compliments and for the privilege of sharing my home in MCM Daily.